Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How Do You Get Kids Into The Concept Of Organizing?

Kids follow by example. They may walk behind you like a tornado cluttering everything in their path, but if they see you putting things away, they will eventually start to model this behavior. Does that mean that they'll start cleaning up after themselves when they're 3, probably not, but you'll improve your chances of this happening if you make it easy for them to clean up and put things away. Place hooks low so it's easy to hang up jackets or even clothes in their closet. Have bins accessible and organized with only the toys they currently play with. If you keep too many things out, it provides opportunity for your child to make more of a mess, thus more for you to clean up. Regular decluttering and weeding out with children is very important. Let them know, if they want a new toy, they need to donate or sell an old toy. Modeling this behavior with your own stuff will teach your children how to do the same.

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