Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Do You Encourage Someone Who Needs To Get Organized But Doesn't Want To?

Although I'm answering the questions from our eBay Classified Twitter Chats about organizing with kids, I wanted to make this one more general because so many people live with or work with a clutter bug and it can be a tough dynamic. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

They don't see the clutter like you do. Do you wonder how your kids can walk right over their dirty clothes, or throw their backpack in the middle of the entryway and leave it there? They just don't see it the same and it doesn't matter to them the way it matters to you. Speak with them about the clutter in a positive way and acknowledge how you see it differently.

Give them plenty of alternatives. They will probably not want to organize it the same way you do. If they have several options (like hooks vs. hangers or open baskets vs. bins with lids) and different ideas, something may click.

Be flexible. The other person may not want to organize things to the same degree that you want it done. Remember to praise even the smallest signs of orderliness. Be encouraging because being a nag will get you nowhere (Can you tell I have teenagers LOL)!

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