Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Does Clutter Cause You Stress?

April is Stress Awareness Month, so this is a good time to address the amount of anxiety and stress that's placed upon us by the chaos we live in. We often get calls from clients who are so overwhelmed by their clutter, that they don't know where to begin. So instead of digging in to the problem, they think about it, worry about it, talk about it and play the worst case scenario over and over in their minds. Our job at Chaos To Order is to help relieve that burden. What a few hours of rolling up our sleeves together and going through each and every item can do. When the process is broken down, the burden is lifted. Our client then sees the light and realizes that what's required is chipping away at the problem, not thinking about how to do it, not reading books or surfing online about it, but actually focusing on it and making decisions about each and every item.

So in honor of Stress Awareness Month, spend some time thinking about and writing down the things that keep you up at night worrying. Often there are manageable solutions. When it comes to your clutter, carve out some time on your calendar to get through it. Chances are the more time you spend organizing, the less time you'll spend worrying about it.

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