Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where Do I Put It All?

Do you find yourself trying to store 10lbs. of potatoes in a 5lb. bag? It's never going to fit! We work with clients every day who have too much stuff in the area they're trying to fit it into. Here are some ways to make the most of the space you have…

Use it or lose it. A client once said she wanted to live in her home as though she was moving next month. What a great way to stay streamlined. If your not going to move it with you, no need to hang on to it.

Maximize the space you have. Custom laminate closets are a great way to turn a simple closet into the best possible use of space. Our friends at Closet Works are masters at this.

Functional furniture. When you purchase furniture, think not only of the aesthetic value of the piece, but also how well it functions. Having good accessible storage elements built into your furniture will help to keep you organized.

Perform a regular once-over.
All systems change over time. Periodically reevaluate your space including how and what you store. Tweaking your systems from time to time will ensure maximum productivity.

It's important to enjoy the space you're in. Streamline, organize and make sure your space functions for you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Organizing my DVDs and Cds found this company on line MMDesign. I have gained so much space.

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