Monday, June 1, 2009

Do Something Good With Your Clutter

My family recently had the privilege of having two boys from Lydia Home's Safe Families program stay with us. We became a part of the Safe Families network to help out children who's parents are not able to care for their kids for a period of time, it's a positive alternative to the state child welfare system. Sometimes parents find themselves in a temporary crisis and a Safe Family can step in so the parents don't have to worry about losing custody of the child. Two weeks ago, the CBS Evening News did a story on Safe Families, to view it, click here. As I learned more about the Safe Families program, I came across Lydia Home's Goods4Good program and have been very excited telling our Chaos To Order clients about it. After we finish clearing out your closet (which we are doing a lot of this time of the year) we take the clothes and donate them to Goods4Good. You get a tax deductible receipt, and they, in turn, sell the clothing online and the proceeds go to Lydia Home to help support programs like Safe Families. Everyone wins, you clear out your closet, someone finds a bargain online, and you impact the life of a child!

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