Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cash in on Your Clutter

Chaos to Order is partnering up with, a great family friendly website that can help you cash in on your clutter. The campaign we've partnered on is called "Baby On Board". They've conducted a survey and gathered some interesting data about new parents making room for baby. Here are some of their findings:
  • The average American parents spend $2,500.00 on baby-related items when their child was born.
  • Four in five parents (77%) said that after their child was born, their baby accumulated more stuff in a year than they themselves accumulated in five!
  • 50% of parents choose to donate those expensive baby items and 59% hand them down to a friend or family member.
  • Only 7% of parents said they resell baby items.
For tips on getting organized before that new bundle of joy arrives, go to:

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