Friday, April 10, 2009

A Relaxation "Productivity" Tool: Tivo

It's time for me to blog about my favorite relaxation "productivity" tool. I am a huge fan of Tivo. This may seem like a commercial, but I believe that if you watch any television at all, the DVR is the way to go. As an organizational/time management expert, I find that people can waste so much time watching mundane television shows. I do understand the relaxation aspect of TV, but why sit there watching commercials or just surfing around when you can spend that time viewing what you really enjoy. Although I do not watch much TV, the few shows I do can be seen according to my schedule, without commercials, and forwarded to the points I'm most interested in. I feel informed every morning because I Tivo the news and watch the headline stories. I do not sit and wait for the stories that catch my interest, I forward to them, and if I didn't catch it all the first time, I can rewind, pause or slow it down. If I come home late and miss the news, I grab my Tivo remote and there it is! I also love the Tivo brand. Having tried other DVR's, I find Tivo to be the most user-friendly. We all have the same 24/7 and need to make the most out of all the time we have, especially when it comes to relaxation because we are so often deprived of restorative down-time. With Tivo I catch up on show's I like when there is laundry to fold, emails to glance through or when I just want to relax after a long day. The best part of Tivo is watching what I want, when I want to, and viewing exactly what I want to see. Don't waste another minute surfing with the remote, get Tivo and take control of your television time!

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