Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Decorating Tip: Pack it Up!

This past weekend we put up our Christmas decor. I think this year is the earliest I've ever had the tree and all the decorations up! Many thanks to my husband for leading the cause. He was ready to hang lights, put up the tree and do it all. I was along for the ride and happy that he had the motivation and muscle to get it done. As we were decorating, I was reminded to share with our readers how important it is to remember that when putting out all of your Holiday decorations, it's good to put away your every day knickknacks. So…when you've emptied a Holiday box, you need to then fill it with what was out, and put it back in your storage area. This way you avoid over-cluttering your space, because during the Holidays chaos can lurk in every corner.

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