Monday, November 1, 2010

Haloween Decor...Organized

Halloween is behind us, and it's time to put away the decorations. But wait! Before you start to toss it all back in the box, look inside at what was not displayed this year. When was the last time you brought some of these items out for Halloween? Have they just been sitting in the box for years? It can be hard to part with grandmothers favorite Halloween decorations, but what is the cost of keeping them in the boxes? How much space does it take up? How much time is spent sifting through everything each year to decide what will be brought out? Finally, what about the guilt that accompanies seeing those undisplayed items every year still sitting in the box?

Pass down what you don't use. Maybe you just don't have that perfect place to display something. Allowing it to move on into the hands of a new owner will bring you relief, save you space, and you can even take a tax deduction for donated holiday decorations.

Next, take a look at the boxes that your Halloween decorations are in, can they use some updating? Find some good sturdy plastic containers like these from, (I love the 66qt size for this purpose) and they will last for many years to come. Spend some time organizing now, so next year when you pull out the Halloween decorations again, you'll be happy you invested this time to organize it right.

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