Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's Time to Change the Season in your Closet

It's officially fall and cooler days are becoming more the norm than the exception, so now is the optimal time to change the season in your closet. At Chaos to Order we suggest that your closet be weeded through twice per year. Weeding out the closet doesn't mean taking a good look around and saying, "Ok, I need it all". It really means picking up each individual piece of clothing and asking, "Do I wear this?" or "When was the last time I wore this?" and "Will I be wearing it this season?" Taking a detailed inventory of every item, including what you have way up on the very top shelf, is crucial to the functionality of your wardrobe. The space in your closet is prime real estate. It's like walking down the aisle in the supermarket, the most valuable space is at eye level. You want the items you're frequently wearing to be right there ready to grab, items you wear infrequently a little harder to reach and what you don't use should be removed. If you need to add any hardware, including shelving, extra hanging space or drawers, ask our friends at Closetworks.com. If you need any of our closet organizing pros to come and whip your closet into shape, schedule an appointment at Chaostoorder.com. Happy organizing!

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