Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's National Simplify Your Life Week

This week is, "National Simplify Your Life Week". Our mission at Chaos To Order is to help you get organized thus simplifying your life. Here are a few tips to help you simplify:

  • Declutter. Pare down on what you have. We have so much more than we will ever need.
  • Keep an errand list handy with the related items in your car. This will help you avoid making several trips, saving time and gas.
  • Schedule free time with family and friends without an agenda. Make time for peace and quiet on a regular basis.
  • Give your calendar a makeover. Eliminate and delegate tasks. Allow extra time for distractions.
  • Be happy with small changes. We can only change 10% at a time, don't expect to simplify your life overnight.
Remember, a simplified life is an organized life.

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