Friday, February 26, 2010

20 Years of Chaos To Order

It was twenty years ago today that I officially started Chaos To Order. As I look back on that day, I remember making my first sales call, it was so scary to pick up the phone and call someone I didn't know and ask them if they'd be interested in a service they had never heard about or even considered! To my surprise, people were very kind and interested in what I had to say and offer. I guess the service was so unusual back then that they gave a listening ear. Although many of my friends and associates thought I had gone off the deep end starting this odd business in the down economy of the time, it was clearly the best decision I've ever made. Chaos To Order has allowed me to work with some of the most fascinating people. It has given me a sense of satisfaction in helping others and has allowed me to grow and learn as the business has grown.I feel blessed to have been able to partake in so many amazing opportunities. Most importantly, it has allowed me to work from home with a flexible schedule. I've been able to raise my three children and participate in so many of the important milestones in their lives. Thank you to the more than 5,000 clients we have worked with in the past twenty years, some of you have become like family and it has been an honor to help each and every one of you bring your chaos to order.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great post, Monica. Congratulations on 20 years of success!

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