Monday, January 11, 2010

Today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day!

This designated day presents the perfect opportunity to carve time out of your busy schedule to clear the clutter off your desk. Here are four tips to get you started:

Start with the papers right at your fingertips. It's always best to start organizing with your most current papers. Gather them into a pile and start going through one sheet at a time.

Start Fresh. If your files are all over-crowded, get a file box and create new temporary files so papers can be put somewhere. Remember, everything needs it's place. One of the biggest organizing mistakes is taking the time to go through papers and then just putting them into another pile!

Pare down on office supplies. Take a close look at how many pens, pencils, rolls of tape, sticky notes, etc. you have at your desk. Keeping too many supplies can add considerably to the clutter. Frequently do a supply check to refill or eliminate what you keep right at your desk.

3-Way Toss. Divide what you toss into three categories: Trash, Recycle and Shred. Make it easy to fling the papers into something with a wide opening. Quickly tossing can help cut down on the time the project will take.

Take time on this designated day to clean off your desk. You will be amazed how much more productive you can be if you spend time to focus on getting organized!

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