Thursday, December 31, 2009

Time to Put Away the Holiday Decorations

If you take the time now to put Holiday decorations away properly, you'll appreciate it next year when you have to pull it all the out again. Before you start, take photos of your decor so you can remember exactly what you did this year--if you liked it of course! Also, don't hang on to grandmothers old rusty reindeer, pitch what your not putting out. Weed through holiday decorations just like anything else…if you keep too much, you can't find what's really important. Here are a few items I especially like for storing holiday decor…

Theses boxes from Grandinroad are made from a nice sturdy canvas and also have a label on the front. Added benefit--when they're empty, they fold right up. Although the many ornament storage boxes you see out there are nice, I prefer to store ornaments in a box without the dividers. The dividers can limit your available space in the box, especially if you have ornaments of many different sizes. I suggest you wrap the ornaments in foam wrap rather than tissue, it lasts longer as you reuse it from year to year.

If you have an artificial tree, try storing in these tree storage bags from Target. Using a large box takes up tons of space and can be much harder to pull in and out. Tree storage bags are lightweight, have handles and zip up nicely to keep dust away.

Happy packing. As always, if you need help our organizers are the Holiday Pack-Up Pros!

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