Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How Bad Would it be to Give a Regift?

There has always been a curse associated with re-gifting. At Chaos To Order, we see clients who have shelves of lovely unused gifts causing clutter in their closets. Now is the time to really think about the use of these items. Is there someone on your list who would enjoy that candle you're allergic to? Take a good look at the unused gifts you have lying around causing clutter in your house. Next, look at your list and see if you can match anything up. Use the holiday season to gift away what you can, but don't cross the line and gift something that you don't consider worthwhile for the recipient. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you do decide to regift an item:
  • Don't regift used or worn items.
  • Do make sure it's something that you believe the receiver would enjoy and appreciate.
  • Be honest. Consider letting the receiver know that it was a gift given to you and you are not going to use it.

Why not give the idea of proper re-gifting another chance. It can certainly help to clear the clutter!

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