Monday, October 26, 2009

Does your Household Feel Like a 3-Ring Circus?

There are times when, try as I may to keep my household organized and running smoothly, it gets crazy. Between dealing with the kids schedules, school, sports and social activities, running a family can be just like running a business. One thing I do to help cut down (not eliminate) the chaos is to be very choosy about the activities we do. Signing up for every sport or activity can make everyone in the house crazy. Scheduling down time to just hang out can really fill the family tank when it's running on empty.

What do you do to control the chaos? Comment with your tips for keeping a busy household running smoothly. We will pick one terrific tip from either our blog, Facebook fan page or Twitter and we'll send you and your family tickets to Ringling Brothers Barnum and Baily Circus coming soon to Allstate Arena and the United Center Chicago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have kids who all love Lego building kits, which is a box of Legos with an instruction manual for building a particular item, like a car or an airport. After building the kit once, the kids liked to use various pieces from different kits to build their own creations. Trying to get the kids to put all the right Lego pieces back into the correct kit box was maddening. I would end up sorting them all myself to make sure nothing was put in the wrong box. This took up too much of my time! To make this easier, and to allow the kids to still be creative and build whatever they dreamed up, I sorted all the Lego pieces from every kit we owned by color, then all the Lego pieces of the same color were put into a clear, plastic shoebox with a lid, and labeled with the name of the color. All the instruction manuals for the kits are kept together, so that if anyone wants to build a kit, they still can, and they can also build their own fantastic creations. It's not too difficult for my kids to search through each color box to find the particular piece they need, and clean up is easy. The best of all worlds!


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