Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Less Really is More

I've spent my career helping people learn to pare down what they have and find a simpler and less stressed life by weeding out and purging the excess. Last week my husband had the privilege of traveling on a mission trip to Juarez Mexico to help build a home for some very needy people. He was able to spend some significant time with this family and really see how they live. Their home is a tiny little hut in the middle of nowhere. They have so little, yet are so very grateful for what they do have. One of the most interesting moments was when the daughter went to the store. The closest store was far and it was windy and snowing (that's right, in Mexico). She walked for miles with a big smile on her face and gratitude for the fact that she could walk to the store to bring some things back for her family. When my husband returned home, I noticed a real sense of appreciation for the small things that we all take for granted. Our less is so much more than these people can even comprehend, but it is a good lesson in how much less we really can get by on and yet still be grateful. The more we have, the more we have to manage and the more stress we place on ourselves. Remember, a simplified life is an organized life.

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