Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy 19th Birthday Chaos to Order!

Back in 1990, the economy was in a recession, I worked for a company that was declaring Chapter 11 and was in need of a job. Somewhere I read that if you can't find your dream job, create it. When I started considering this option, everyone told me I was crazy. I was 24, supported myself and had a mortgage to pay. It just wasn't feasible to spend my days cleaning out other peoples drawers! I didn't listen to the nay-sayers and decided to forge ahead. Within a month of establishing Chaos to Order, I had enough customers to make ends meet. I never had the intention to grow the company the way it did, it just evolved according to my life. When I was young and single, I loved organizing in people's homes, spending my days in closets and amongst files creating order. Several years later I was married and thinking about starting a family. Once my first child came, Chaos to Order had grown to the point where I could train other organizers and I could be at home with my children. Now 19 years later, my oldest is 12 and my youngest is 5. I'm still in the throws of motherhood, but as my daughter starts school and becomes more independent, I find myself into my passion of helping people get organized in very different ways. Today I remember the gift my girlfriends bought me the year I started Chaos to Order, an electronic typewriter. I felt so technologically advanced! I'm still grateful for that typewriter and the encouragement from a few around me to get it going. Chaos to Order has been an amazing blessing in my life. Allowing me the ability to help others with my gifts, the freedom to be with my children to watch them grow, and a consistent outlet to pour my passion into. Thank you for 19 years of bringing chaos to order in your lives and 19 years of fulfillment in mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea Monica, Yea God!!

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